Bharat Yog is an honest effort to save
the original form of yog science introduced by the
Rishis of Bharat to
benefit the humanity without any discrimination of caste, colour, country or
sex as these Rishis have been looking at this entire universe as one abode:
Yog Vidya pustakon se grahen nahi
ki ja sakti, Yog ka prasad pane ke liye guru ke sannidhya ki avashyakta hai
Knowledge of yoga can never be gained through books you need a practical
training under the expert guidance of a guru. says Yog Guru Bharat
Bhushan ji.
Gu in Sanskrit means darkness and Ru
means dispel, hence Guru means the one who dispels the darkness
and brings more understanding and light. For spiritual enlightenment one
needs a guru but its not at all important that the one wearing the saffron
cloth only can be guru. Bulleh Shah, a saint lost in quest for God
Realization, was once moving along the road messed up in the thoughts couldnt
notice when he arrived in mid of the road. The traffic was disturbed and a
cart man coming from behind shouted at saint Bulleh Shah, Bhai Passe
Ho (brother be aside). Bulleh shah regained himself with folded hands
and feeling of gratitude towards the innocent cart man saying this
cart man has given me the secret of life that for God Realization one has to
come out of the duality, he is the true guru.
Hence anyone who dispels the darkness and brings more understanding and
light is the guru.
Guru is the master of life who has the powerful insights to share. He drops
into peoples lives to guide them in the right direction, to help them
play there biggest games as human beings, discover their destiny and live
their dreams.
Every elite athlete has a coach to help them play at their best.
Think of yourself as an elite performer on the playing field of life- you
need a coach to guide, inspire and champion you as you evolve into who you
are destined to become. Whoever enters the way without a guide will take a
hundred years to travel a two day journey. Says Robin Sharma
Land of India has given such enlightened gurus to the entire world, may it
be Krishna who gave the knowledge of life and death through Geeta or may it
be Swami Vivekananda who was given the topic Zero to speak at
Chicago and he made the world mad after him or may it be Maharishi patanjali
who made the science of yog easily available for the humanity. In fact in
modern concept may it be Shiv Kheda who is exploring the power of positive
thinking or
Yog Guru Bharat Bhushan ji
who has given his entire life in exploring the correct form of yog and
is making people live a disease-free life, enlighten their souls and is
exploring the perfect way of living or Robin Sharma who is making people
develop their abilities and live life at its full, and so on.
Guru is needed for the spiritual enlightenment and practice of yog should
definitely be done under the expert guidance of a Guru as yog practice
definitely give amazing positive results to the practitioner if practiced
correctly, but its true as well that yogic exercise practiced wrongly can
even harm the practitioner as the physical conditions and mental needs of
the individuals vary with each other.