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Mokshayatan International Yog Ashram
Mokshayatan International Yog Ashram
Sanyam: Seva" (Power: Command: Service). It has been embarking on
new horizons under his holy tutelage for over 30 years.
"Just to quote from a feature on Yog guru Bharat Bhushan ji by
Interpid clareford published in popular journal Health and fitness from
London in answer to question 'Where is your Ashram, your yog school?'
Guru ji replied 'It is in your heart.'
Guruji never finds time to involve himself in developing huge
buildings or big land as his ashram to provide comforts, but to teach
the art of living in an available place may it be small or big and learn
the art of finding comfort within you by developing your body as the
best ashram where your association should be a source of eternal peace
and comfort to others who come to you. |
We are providing you with Yoga Teacher
Training Center, Personal Yoga Training, Yoga Rehabilitation for the benefit
of the whole society.
It was in the year 1973 that the foundation of Mokshayatan International
Yogashram was laid at Saharanpur, the holy city of Ganga and Yamuna under
the foothills of Himalyas. The main objective behind the setting up of such
an ashram was not to establish a huge and commercial Ashram but to alleviate
the sufferings of humanity through Yog Vidya and ultimately the kingdom of
bliss consciousness to benefit young generation and public at large from
across the globe.
It was named Mokshayatan International
Yogashram because as per Guru Ji, "Moksh (perfection or liberation from
sorrows caused by ignorance) Ayatan (expansion)" 'this ashram is not
the destination but just a way to perfection and liberation from the
bondages of ignorance.' Again he continued, "Mokshaya" (for
salvation) "Tan" (human body)" 'this body is a means to
attain salvation and not for being indulged in sensory gains only.'
Aim of Ashram
Mokshayatan International Yogashram aims
to lead the society and the individual to physical, mental and emotional
balance and to cultivate and protect the great cultural and spiritual
heritage of India through the great Indian science of Yoga.
It also aims to generate awareness among youth to new responsibilities and
reestablishing the human values in the society through the centuries old
learning system of 'shalas.'
Ashram has four Shalas
- Pathshala - Educational Institute
- Vyayamshala - Health Centres
- Goshala - Serving and saving cows
- Yajanshala
- Educational Institute
According to Yog Guru Bharat Bhushan Ji children are true nation builders
and if we succeed in shaping the young generation of a nation, we are doing
a great service to nation and Divine as well. Ashram runs a novel school
under yogic system with modern subjects of education.
Ashram looks forward to give franchise of Nation Builders' Academy to
those, who are committed to the cause of nation building.
- Health Centres
'Swasthya Mandir,' gymnasium and Health Care Centres are run under the
Mokshayatan International Yogashram, as the means of perfect health -
physical fitness with intellectual, mental, emotional, social and
spiritually balanced development of an individual.
Such Centres provide proper physical exercises in gymnasium under the care
of yogic system for mental peace and diet discipline, leading to perfect
- Serving and Saving Cows
Cow is not just a matter of religious faith of Hindus but it has been the
strong foundation of our existence and that is the reason, cow is called the
mother of all. India has been a country of cow based economy and it is
relevant even today.
Yog Guru Bharat Bhushan Ji advocates the importance of four shalas (houses)
- Vyayamshala, Gaushala, Paathshala and Yagyashala to develop our generation
strong, cooperating, wise and devoted. He advocates the protection of cow
wealth to make the country strong, cultured and awakened.
In today's context, daily sandhya & yagya play an important role in
maintaining a pollution free environment. Application of Vedic system of
living for growing harmony and regaining peace, prosperity and tranquility
through Yagya is taught not only in Yog shivirs but also in schools run by
the ashram. Yagya is the best way that symbolizes universal brotherhood and
sense of living for others. Beside, the fragrance of yajan aahutis has
refreshing effect on total health.
Additionally, Vishwa Kalyaan Yagya and special yagya are conducted on
auspicious occasions like birthdays, wedding anniversaries, greh pravesh
Today, the Sadhna Peeth of Yogiraj Guru Shri Bharat Bhushan Ji has grown
into a spiritually charged holy place to seek relief and get rid of
sufferings and pains.
Ashram Initiatives
Besides the Shalas, Ashram has taken a
number of initiatives to reestablish the value system in society at large:
The major initiatives include the following:
Life Savers Unit :
When you are depressed or feeling low, just one call/ visit to life savers
unit of the ashram can help you to come out of the fuss and decorate you
again with cheer and harmony all around you. Dedicated team of spiritual
counselors is there to help and assist the sufferers.
Live Blood Bank :
Blood donation is a wonderful service of Divine, and a drop of blood can
infuse life to a dying man and bless his entire family with new smile.
Started with just 42 disciples of Guru Ji in 1990, this Live Blood Bank has
grown in to an army of devoted donors to serve the emergency requirement of
sufferers without any discrimination of caste, color or creed.
National Integration :
'Continuous Dialogue' is the solution of different problems. When there is
no dialogue, there is a possibility of confusion and misunderstanding that
grows in individuals and in the society. And rapidly changing circumstances
further make the matters worse leading to new problems.
As the ultimate remedy, 'National Integration - New Responsibilities'
lecture series was inaugurated in 1983 by the then President of India. On
this initiative, he remarked "Circumstances are the best teacher and
evolution of man is the result of growing challenges and rapid changes in
circumstances. Circumstances inspire and compel us to go deep and bring out
the best."
Through this, ashram has given a platform to people to sort out differences
and discuss problems with open heart to bring out the best solution. Regular
visits of eminent thinkers and orators have led youngsters to grow as a new
team of thinkers and share the responsibility of great country and its
Rover Scouts Crew :
"Sarv bhoot hite rateh" (living for others) is the code of love
and peace. Guruji motivates youth to join scout movement, which, according
to him, is the ultimate means for the world brotherhood because it is based
on ten rules, which are 'five yamas' and 'five niyamas' of yog sadhna.
Ashram has a band of devoted servants of society always learning to enable
themselves to prove worthy of service for humanity and Divine.
Vandana Mission :
Rashtra Vandna Mission is headed by Mr Vidyarnav Sharma, who, besides a
disciplined Police Officer, is a devoted patriot and the recipient of
prestigious President's Medal. Still, a servant of humanity, a disciple and
younger brother of Guru Ji, he is there to preserve the great heritage of
patriotism and sacrifice, cultivate love for nation and gratitude for those,
who sacrificed their present for our future ('Today' for our 'Tomorrow').
The Mission is entrusted with the task to bring out the following:
- Rashtra Vandna Chowk and Rashtra Vandna Bhawan
- Publish literature on patriotism and great sacrifices (Books,
CDs, Pamphlets, Posters, Folders)
- Seminars and cultural programs for national awareness in schools
and colleges
Books 'Yug Ke Devta' and 'Amar Senani Tumhe Pranaam', audio tape and CD
'Azaadi ke deevane', historical Rashtra Vandna Bhawan at sikandrarau in
district Hathras (UP) India and Rashtra Vandna Chowk at Bagpat city and
Rashtra Vandna Dwars developed at important places are telling the stories
of love for nation and great Indian culture of coexistence and great
sacrifices made by Indian patriots. Mr Ashfaq Ullah Khan, S. Zorawar Singh,
S. Kiranjeet Singh, Thakur Jagdish Singh, the ancestors of Shaheed Sardar
Bhagat Singh, Shaheed Ashfaq Ullah Khan and Thakur Roshan Singh and many
more from different corners of this great nation have joined hands in this
service to nation.
Shiksha Abhiyaan :
This is a special initiative for the youth. It leads them to have an
insight into our great cultural, moral and spiritual heritage and also
motivates them to shape life in the light of great Indian philosophy 'One
God and One Universal Family.'
Under Sanskar Shiksha Abhiyaan, Sanskar Shivirs are organised, which aim to
give young generation an atmosphere to learn and recollect their true face
and have the pride of being the representative of great yog culture of
India. These Sanskars have been designed by our ancient rishis to bring
harmony at individual and social level and give a true meaning to human
Training camps are organised for all 16 Sanskars, especially for children,
youth and couples, who are preparing for their conjugal life and even for
those who wish to move ahead.
This is an independent section to publish books, newsletters and bring out
audio and video CDs, DVDs on yog sadhna, yogic cure, sanskaar shiksha,
cultural heritage and spiritual wealth.
Yoga Center are run under the Mokshayatan International Yogashram to
propagate Indian science of Yog and benefit humanity at large with the
nectar of perfect physical and mental health, moral and spiritual uplift of
humanity without any discrimination.
An autonomous unit of the ashram that conducts different events of yogic,
spiritual, religious, patriotic, cultural and educational color on request.
One may feel free and sure about the success of the event after handing over
the event in the competent hands of ashram's management group.
Wing (please click here to
know more...)
Today, when anti culture activities have become a threat to the sanctity of
great Indian culture, it is the duty of the soldiers of cultural heritage
and servants of the goddess of sanskriti to keep alive the flame of true
Indian classical dance and music as declared by great Bharat Muni centuries
ago in his Natya Shastra will always prove to be a sure source of joyful
relief from pain and suffering. To keep the flame alive, the cultural wing
of the ashram offers healthy entertainment and joy, leading to peace through
cultural activities.
It has worked to render relief to Tsunami victims in Indonesia and at the
same time gained wide welcome in Iceland in the august presence of the
Presidents of India and Iceland through heart touching performance of its
classical dancers.
Dance choreography and solo presentation, theatre plays, dance dramas,
poetic evenings, musical shows, bhajan sandhya etc. are organised on
Prominent Visitors
Many dignitaries from across the globe,
including heads of states have visited the ashram and participated in its
- H.E. Mr. Gyani Jail Singh, President of India
- H.E. Mr. Chandra Shekhar, prime Minister
- H.E. Dr. Balram Jakhar, Speaker of the Parliament
- H.E. Mr. Virendra Verma, Governor of Panjab & Himachal
- H.E. Mr. B.Satyanarayan Reddy, Governer of Uttar Pradesh
- H.E. Mr.Vishnu Kant Shastri, Governer of Uttar Pradesh
- H.E. Mr.Dhanik Lal Mandal, Governer of Haryana
- H.E.Mr. Madhukar Dighe, Governer of Meghalaya
- Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayi
- Mr. N.D.Tiwari, Chief Minister
- Mr. Shripati Mishra, Chief Minister
- Mr. Rasheed Masood, State Minister Health, Govt. of India
- Mr.Ram Singh, Home Minister
- Mr. Yash Pal Singh, Agriculture Minister
- Mr. Praveen Singh Eron, Health Minister
- Mr. Kokab Hameed, Cabinet Minister, U.P
- Mr. Jagdeeesh Rana, Cabinet Minister, U.P
- Mr. Sanjay Garg, Minister of State, U.P
- Mr. Rajendra Rana, Minister of State
- Mr. Chandra Shekhar Singh, Minister of Sports and Youth Welfare
- Mr. Lok Pati tripathi, Health Minister
- Sardar Kultar Singh, Minister of Civil Supplies
- Mr. Ram Vir Upadhyay, Minister of transport & Energy
- Justice P.P.Gupta § Justice S.C.Sharma
- Mr. V.K.Jain, IPS, DGP & Special Secretary Home, Govt. of
- Mr. S.K.Sharma, IAS,Special Secretary Home, Govt. of India
- Mr. M.C. dwivedi, IPS,DGP
- Mr. B.k.Goswami, IAS, Secretary Govt. of India
- Mr. Subhash Kumar, IAS, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister
- Mr. R.K Pandit, IPS, DGP
- Mr. Mahendra Lalka, IPS, DG
- Mr. V C goel, IPS,Additional DG
- Mr. U.K. Bansal, IPS, Additional DG
- Mr. A.C. Sharma, IPS, Additional DG
- Mr. S.K.Singh, IPS, IG BSF
- Mr. R.P.Singh, IPS, IG BSF
- Lala Jagat Narayan, Journalist
- 'Padma Shri' Kanhaiya Lal Mishra Prabhakar Journalist
- Kamal Kant Budhkar Journalist & Professor of Journalism
- Vidyavachaspati Vishnu Kant Shukla
- Mr. Kenichiro Toyofuku, First Secretary Japan embassy
Special Courses & Teachings
Special Courses & Teachings Bharat Yog offers special courses for different people depending upon their
specific problems and needs.
Bharat Yog is extremely beneficial for students and instills confidence
among them. It ensures their overall growth in terms of physical, emotional,
social, spiritual and intellectual development, which in turn leads them to
shoulder their responsibilities.
Sports Persons
Bharat Yog offers tailor made solutions for sports persons, so that they
can get strength, stamina, speed, precision and an ability to take instant
decisions, even in highly tense situations. Sports persons trained in yoga
have consistently delivered much better results than their counterparts.
Patients (please
click here to know more...)
Patients, particularly suffering from endocrinal disorders, circulatory and
respiratory problems and so-called incurable diseases get unbelievable
results by regular and correct practice of Bharat Yog. Bharat Yog is
beneficial in diseases like:
- BP
- Hypertension
- Asthma
- Heart Attack
- Arthritis
- diabetes
- Stomach disorder
- Common Cold
- Migraine
- Acidity
- Week Eye sight
- Healthy hair
- Skin
- Backache
Even cancer patients have shown considerable inner strength in terms of
resistance but of course such diseases are not curable through the practice
of Yog.
Senior Citizens
Bharat Yog offers special modules for senior citizens so that they can cope
up with lack of physical and emotional support and learn to divert their
mind from mundane issues to spirituality.
Bharat Yog practices are highly beneficial for women, so that they can
stand out in the crowd and be the centre of attraction.
- Acne free face
- Sparkling Eyes
- Glowing skin
- Enhanced confidence
- Slim and perfect figure
- Regular menstruation
- Overall beauty
- Hair Care
Armed Forces
Bharat Yog increases the resistance power, inner strength and performance
of men in uniform. Guru Ji has started yog training for the armed forces in
1994 and there has been a marked improvement in overall performance. Yog
Guru says "The most famous lecture of Yog, the knowledge of Geeta by
Lord Krishna was given at the battlefield to Arjun, who was so depressed
after seeing his elders in front of him that he was ready to escape the
battle field."
Other Professionals
Special courses are organized for people at large. By attending to these
courses, anyone can be benefited through the nectar of Yog and can get all
that is desired.
Industrial Workers (Prone to occupational hazards)
Bharat Yog techniques relaxes the industrial workmen, increases their
working abilities, rejuvenate them through special meditation (20-minute
sleep is equivalent to a sound sleep of 5 hours).
Documentary Films
A number of documentaries and features
have been made on Guru Ji's life, his initiatives, his teachings and
philosophy both at the national as well as international level. While, a
documentary has been made by Doordarshan of India and Larry D Matingly of
Chicago, a team of Australian Broadcasting Corporation has also done a
documentary on Guru Ji as well as Mokshayatan International Yogashram and
their contribution in globalizing the Indian science of Yog.
Total Tandurusti at Zee News has also been shot at the ashram and Jago
Bharat Dhyan Yog Andolan at Zee Jagran Channel.
Mokshayatan International Yogashram commands high reputation in the society
and looks forward to have greater contribution in enriching the great
cultural and spiritual heritage of India and serving the humanity at large.